Frontend Developer
CoachingEnglish Website
CoachingEnglish Website
A community-first website for an English center. Utilizing GatsbyJS & Firebase Functions, Storage & Database for a fast, responsive & dynamic websites. This project started out using NextJS as its core technology, but later on migrated to Gatsby due to Firebase's limitation on geographic location of NextJS projects.
CoachingEnglish CMS
CoachingEnglish CMS
A full-feature CMS built using ReactJS and AntDesign UI Library. This website enable admin to manage contents & users (upcoming) on the main website.
My Website
My Website
This website utilize GatsbyJS, Netlify & NetlifyCMS for a fast & cost-free serverless website, while allowing future extendability via the use of NetlifyCMS's JAMstack. This website serves as a testament for the future of Frontend.